Colington Volunteer Fire Department receives FEMA grant for new radios

Colington Volunteer Fire Department receives FEMA grant for new radios

October 10th, 2022

The Colington Volunteer Fire Department was recently awarded a $242,700 grant through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) program.

The grant allows the department to modernize their mobile and portable radios to be compatible with upcoming changes to the state and local emergency radio system.

According to Colington Fire Chief Glenn Rainey, the grant greatly reduces the financial impact of having to buy all new radio equipment.

“Since changes to the radio system were announced, the department had been trying to figure out how to replace our fleet of radios in the most cost-effective way,” said Rainey. “This FEMA grant is allowing us to do just that.”

“These grants are very competitive, and we are so fortunate to receive one,” Rainey said. “Having reliable and interoperable communications with our local and regional partners directly affects firefighter safety, and is a priority.”

The grant will ensure that firefighters have a reliable and system compatible radio to help ensure safety and seamless communication during times of emergency.

The AFG Program is administered by the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency in cooperation with the
Department’s United States Fire Administration.

The grants are awarded on a competitive basis to the applicants that most closely address the program’s priorities and demonstrate financial need.

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